Demand for multi-family assets in BC remains near record levels in 2017 as investors continue to acquire properties in communities throughout the province.
Multi-family investment activity remained highly elevated in 2016 after recording 73 transactions valued at $734M – second only to the record set in 2015.And 2017 has been phenominal!
Years of rising prices and cap rate compression largely stabilized in 2016, albeit at elevated values and lower average cap rates than previously noted in the BC market. This pause has enticed some owners and buyers off the sidelines and given both more confidence to conclude a transaction.
As owners elect to sell multi-family assets – in some cases identifying one or two buildings to sell out of a portfolio of properties in order to capitalize on strong pricing and demand in the market – the sales activity encourages others owners to follow suit.
Thinking of Buying and Selling Multifamily Properties in BC - Go With The Best! @yourbcagent