Now, when it comes to helping and/or guiding you buy and sell Real estate,
- anyone can say that they mail out flyers, and they probably will...
- anyone can hold an open house and sit there for 2-3 hours, and they do...
- anyone can "customize" a plan for you, and they will...
- anyone can pull comparables off the internet and show you the numbers, and they will...
I do more than what anyone can or will...
I use my knowledge and expertise in marketing, research & analysis, sales, development & real estate and various other fields (including strategic positioning, communication, technology) to sell and/or help you purchase your property. My custom designed real estate/investment algorithm takes into account over 50 tangible and intangible factors, including
- Walk score
- Number of development permits in your area
- Number of building permits in your area
- Transit proximity
- Proximity to elementary and secondary schools
- Proximity to university
- Proximity to shopping and hospitals
- Latest solds
- Number of active listings
- The “feel” of the neighborhood
- Local crime stats
- Topographical/Geographical features
So, if you're looking for someone who will do what anyone can and will, then you can pick from any of the over 18,000+ realtors in fraser valley and lower mainland...
Now, if you're looking for someone who will do things differently...then, lets talk